Re: It has happened

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by TDI Diver on September 04, 2001 at 11:27:10:

In Reply to: Re: It has happened posted by MHK on September 04, 2001 at 11:13:53:

MHK, Point taken. You are right that one could ascend leak side down.
And you are right that a wing with bungees would continue to leak if you
did this, however I don't think the leak would be significant unless you had
a lot of gas in the wing which would mean in all likely-hood that you had other
problems with you dive, overweighting etc. Of course if someone were to play superman
when they put the bungees on and put them on to tight this would make a problem with a
leak worse, I have seen this on boats. Maybe this is why OMS does not ship the wings with
the bungees on.

BTW, I have also inflated the OMS wing at depth oraly with no problem, not because I had to
just to be sure I could before I purchased them because so many people said it could not be done.

Anyway don't want to beat this up just my opinion.
I would like to get together with you for a dive sometime, could we talk by e-mail or phone.

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