excellent points, MadDiver

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Posted by Karl S. on September 04, 2001 at 14:31:48:

In Reply to: Oh, the old my air is my air deal posted by Maddiver on September 04, 2001 at 14:20:05:

lets see ... math ...

my lungs are big, so 1 cu ft per min per ATA divided into a 13 cu ft pony equals 13 mins at the surface, 6.5 mins at 33 fsw, 3.25 mins at 100 fsw, 2 mins at 150 fsw.

granted he better move fast, ditch the wt belt &/or integrated wts, exhale into the B/C, kick up, then once buoyancy takes over, start dumping B/C air and flare for the arrival at the surface, and then call 9-1-1 the minute he is back on the beach.

thats still a happier ending than it really was: no air, no buoyancy, no buddy.

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