Re: Proper procedure for OOA situations

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Posted by geoa on September 05, 2001 at 07:48:08:

In Reply to: Re: Proper procedure for OOA situations posted by Steve on September 05, 2001 at 07:28:02:

Bailout bottle does'nt work
Now what?
0 vis, 3 knot current
Where's your buddy?

And the caveat, "IMHO" don't forget that.

Why introduce gear dependency as a way out of bad dive planning. Something that so far has'nt been addressed...what kind of a diver gets into a OOA situation anyway? Well, maybe he forgot to hang the little chip on his tank after the first dive and never checked his gauges before the second dive. Maybe he got 30 minutes into the second dive at 100fsw before he thought to check his tank press.
People die every day and I'm developing a theory that many people nowadays expect someone like the government or a buddy or a divemaster to come along and carry the day in a real clusterf8*@.
Has'nt been my experience.

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