Recreational diving and risks . . . ., the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Kevin on September 05, 2001 at 16:50:42:

In Reply to: Re: We haven't learned from our mistakes. posted by MHK on September 05, 2001 at 16:27:39:


Lets forget about technical/extended range/commercial/military diving.

Lets focus on recreational diving, say down to 100 FSW, in the middle of the day, easy local conditions. I say easy local conditions because if anyone thinks a mild current and 55 degree water is anything tough needs to take up needlepoint, not scuba.

Is there any reason in the entire world that anyone should die ? Is there anything reason whatsoever that could cause a recreational diver following the rules they studied in the basic / open water course that would cause them to drowning ?

There isn't, and I challenge anyone on this list to give a single example where a diver following all the rules, including the ones about common sense, to kill themsleves.

Next, is there any reason whatsoever that any recreational diver following the rules would get bent ? VERY VERY FEW, and they are so wierd and so medically complicated I only hear of them rarely.

Why are divers dying ? Because the aren't following the basic rules.


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