Re: SeaPro....hey JoeR!

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Posted by Joe R on September 10, 2001 at 00:32:44:

In Reply to: SeaPro....hey JoeR! posted by Cabo on September 08, 2001 at 06:31:30:

I dove with a straight single webbed harness and didn't like it.
I have several backplate/harnesses set up for different exposure protection
They are all adjusted differently and fit perfectly. My first exposure to harness was probably around '91 or so.
I like the highland mills orthoganal rings and highland drop d rings.. I use 2in nylon no need to step it down at ring, and 1.5 across chest.
Even if something caused the buckle to fail, it doesn't cause any real loss of control of the tanks. I still occasionally use my
old seapro with singles, but its always a harness with doubles. I don't care who makes the BC, you can't really control 4 or more tanks the
way you can with a harness.. using a d ring on my back tanks allows be to carry 4 stage/deco bottles easily (2 on each side - no metal-metal connections)
1 snap to back tank, snap at neck to waist d ring, top stage bottom snap to waist d ring, top snap to drop D dring...can't really do that with a BC, plus all those
tanks filled are like 50lbs negative at start of dive

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