SeaPro....hey JoeR!

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Cabo on September 08, 2001 at 06:31:30:

In Reply to: Re: my Zeagle Tech B/C softback holds doubles pretty good posted by Joe R on September 06, 2001 at 22:17:18:

I have SeaPro too (for sale now that I have Halcyon though) and had some buckles too. Now don't take this wrong, I am NOT saying you should change your rig I just want to relate my experience with similar harness style.
I had some buckles too but found a good way to "Hogarthian" my rig without loss of exit speed and comfort!. One arguement against plastic strap buckles might be that with the one ScubaPro buckle at the waist there IS a speed and reliability advantage. The plastic buckles offer an opportunity for something to go wrong, not breakage but when you re-attach them it IS possible to misalign or get something caught in there that reduces the buckles integrity AND one buckle in a commonly known location is Always faster than two, three or five, no matter how fast you are, specially for someone else coming to your aid!
I used to be quite quick with my buckles (chest strap, shoulder strap, waist and crotch strap) but now I have one single commonly used waist strap that everyone can find and operate blindfolded. Even if they have never seen my gear(it tickles but they find it) and it is all off with the one buckle! Even with a shoulder valve!
just something to consider.

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