My Dad

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Posted by Farnsworth Diver's Daughter on September 12, 2001 at 17:29:27:

My dad's death is the one that you have been speaking of so feverently here. It was enlightening to read the threads. I want to thank those of you that are going to dive and look for dad again and yes, that is what seems to be in the plans. The dive was aborted last Wednesday because of the bad weather and currents. The coastguard told my stepmom that they were going to try again this week but with what has happened in the world who knows. Any of you folks know what the odds are that they will find his body?

A few facts that I know...

Dad was 63 not 62.

He had only logged 4 dives in his dive log.

He was diving with two buddies, husband and wife, and the husband has logged 60 dives this year.

I have yet to see the coastguard's report with my own eyes although I will tomorrow as my stepmom brought back a copy of it from Catalina. It is hard to imagine my dad panicking as in all of the 35 years that I have known him he was cool as a cucumber even in the worst situations. We would really like to know what happened down there but have not heard from the dive shop or the other divers.

We are reeling. My dad was a great man who has left behind a wife, daughter, grandkids, sister and mother that loved him very deeply. My dad would be the first one to say that he assumed the risk and therefore it was his responsibility but it is a tradegy for those of us left behind.

Hug your loved ones a lot and please be safe!

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