Re: Agreed

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Posted by Kendall Raine on September 13, 2001 at 16:05:12:

In Reply to: Re: Ponies posted by MHK on September 13, 2001 at 14:52:58:

Well, Mike, if they don't appreciate the difference between a buddy diving in the same ocean and a buddy diving as a team mate by now they aren't listening.

The other issue is the piecemeal examination of why we do things the way we do. You used the word "unified." Like the DIR system or not, it only really works in unified fashion. Nevertheless, the tendency to dissect and debate the merits of one piece of gear versus another away from the whole package is a hard habit to break. I think a large amount of confusion/resentment about DIR comes from this and I sympathize with people who have been taught from OW certification to look at equipment and mindset and planning as a haphazard or individualistic excercise. For many here, a unified system is anathema to personal liberty. You and I had to also overcome this well on in our diving careers. It was neither easy nor pleasant. :-)

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