Re: No offense taken, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Kendall Raine on September 13, 2001 at 16:27:32:

In Reply to: UH OH!...wrong context...the "what IS his problem" is NOT for KR!! posted by JohnB on September 13, 2001 at 16:01:14:

My wife often asks me "Kendall, just what IS your problem?"

Let's take another crack at "context." I was assuming the pony issue came up in the context of an earlier thread which alluded to the DIR position against ponies. A first principle of DIR is don't bring equipment that isn't necessary for the dive. Since DIR is also based on the concept of team diving, a pony or bail out bottle, is made superfluous by having a team mate to whom you can always turn in the case of gas loss. No reason to haul extra gear around when redundancy is swimming next to you. That's why I drew the distinction about context. Seahunt probably would have benefitted from having a small pony precisely because he 1) was not familiar with the rig, and 2) was diving solo. This ignores the way the pony is carried. That's another thread. Fortunately, Seahunt seems to have found a way to survive points 1 & 2 anyway. I hope this helps. If not, e-mail me privately and I'll send you my phone number.

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