Re: 4 or 5 times last year

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Posted by tleemay on September 18, 2001 at 22:50:47:

In Reply to: 4 or 5 times last year posted by JRM on September 18, 2001 at 10:18:39:

"I once got checked for a fishing license and
limits while fly fishing 5 miles from the nearest
established trail way up in the Sierran
high country."

I can relate to that... from the Summer of 1980;

Big 5/Little 5 Lakes 15 miles East of Mineral King
Bowl. A team of two Muir Trail rangers training a
third. I was the only one of about 6 packers on
the upper Little Five that was regularly catching
golden rainbows that week. They checked me on day
2 and day 6 for limits. Good thing I ate all I
caught those days... or else it might have been

I must admit I've been lucky in the past decade
or so. I had my license checked during a bass
tourney on Millerton Lake in 1996 (along with
Bob Bodean and Darryl Lamonica), I had my salmon
and licensed checked in Humboldt County (Fortuna)
in 1991 (along with my now ex and my Dad), my
Stanislaus County trout limit and license checked
in 1993, my scallop limit and license checked on
the Spectre in 1995, and my lobster limits and
license checked three times on the Great Escape
between 1996 and 1999.

Maybe I'm not that lucky afterall.

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