hmmmm. ---warning: math involved---

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by JRM on October 02, 2001 at 14:11:05:

In Reply to: 'Instructors' with 10000 Dives and their main foe.....DIR posted by Maddiver on October 02, 2001 at 12:23:39:

Sorry, thought I'd throw that warning in. Some people (like this instructor) have math issues.

10,000 dives. Wow. If he did 1 dive per day (including leap years), it would take 27 years, 139 days to amass such a collection.

Assuming the teaching max of 3 dives per day, thats still 9 years, 49 days (with no breaks).

At six dives per day, (heck, just half the three).

If each dive averaged 15 minutes, he's spent over 3 1/2 months underwater.

Wow, can I sign up for his class? I spend a decent amount of time in the pool, maybe I should start logging them! WAIT!!!! I take at least a shower a day, that's sort of getting wet, I think I'll start logging those too! Even better... I wash my hands after utilizing the lavatory. Logged!!!

Hmm, and I was debating whether the dive we called after 2 minutes was worth logging


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