Re: Reply to John Walker's question re DIR

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Posted by seahunt on October 02, 2001 at 15:23:48:

In Reply to: Re: Reply to John Walker's question re DIR posted by John Walker on October 02, 2001 at 14:09:07:

I have a question for you then. When picking on Mr. Kane, I have often pointed out that DIR has been (by him at least) pushed as a very non-adaptive system. He uses the term holistic. In the case of DIR I can interpret that to mean two divers, their gear and their mindset. I feel that Mr Kane uses it to mean sort of an unanalyzable, unpartitionable lump and that that makes it unadaptive.
What's your take on adaptability of the DIR system. That is asked in general and also from the other end, such as that I have always liked a tether on my regulator and so the idea of using surgical tubing for a tether seems like a good idea. I'm a cafeteria guy. I pick and choose what I like from what is available... (Ultimately, I think that means I like a lot of what DIR has said about gear and could use a DIR type rig, but I'll never be much of a buddy diver. In that sense I might be exchanging a pony bottle for the DIR prescribed buddy)
Any opinions?
Enjoy, seahunt

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