Re: Reply to John Walker's question re DIR

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by MHK on October 02, 2001 at 15:40:19:

In Reply to: Re: Reply to John Walker's question re DIR posted by seahunt on October 02, 2001 at 15:23:48:

Posted by seahunt on October 02, 2001 at 15:23:48:

I feel that Mr Kane uses it to mean sort of an unanalyzable, unpartitionable lump and that that makes it unadaptive.

That is because you are more prone to arguing then you are to listening..

We analyze the system to death on this, and other lists, so I'm not sure how much more analyzing we can possibly do to the system..

As for unpartionable, what you seem to want to do is incorporate your personal preferences into a system that is designed to be used within a unified team. Therein lies the entire rationale that you haven't been willing to accept.. DIR is what it is and to the extent that you, or anyone else makes changes to the system it becomes, by definition, something other then the core system..

You want to continually attempt to bifrucate the system, which tells me that you aren't understanding the theory behind the very reason that we keep it unified... Have you ever wondered why the military doesn't allow each member of a unit to choose his own weapon??? Have you ever wondered why the military trains and configures uniformly???

It's because in the heat of battle you want to take the thinking out of the equation and you want reactions to emergency situations.. You don't want one soldier having an M-16 and another member having a different weapon.. If they need to change parts what do they do???? When the perverbial sh*t is hitting the fan you need solutions, not confusion..

Once you accept the totality and the mentality all these ridiculously minute discussion we debate over very immaterial issues goes by the wayside and you then start enjoying the ease and efficieny, which ultimately makes diving more enjoyable...


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