Re: Need input to reach advanced, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Chris on October 09, 2001 at 15:31:34:

In Reply to: Need input to reach advanced posted by Tim O'Rielly on October 09, 2001 at 14:54:16:


The reason why you take any certification class is to learn the skills so as to accomplish them safely without supervision. By that reasoning alone, you shouldn't attempt deep dives prior to qualified instruction.

Looking good in front of an instructor you're paying to teach you is what you want to be able to do at the conclusion of the class. Diving is not about acting like a tough guy. It's more about being smart, diving safely, and having fun.

Talk to your instructor about your concerns before the class begins and decide if you're really ready to do this. If you still have concerns, shop around for another instructor or wait until you feel more comfortable. You don't have to do anything until you decide the time is right.

I know this sounds a little preachy but better to learn well than be the subject of a fatality posting string on the BBS. Dive with your brain and not your balls.

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