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Posted by Tim O'Rielly on October 09, 2001 at 14:54:16:

Where can I go to practice my deep diving prior to a course? My girlfriend and I want to do a couple of deep dives before we make fools out of ourselves in front of an instructor and other divers. Is there somewhere like a lake with no waves or current that we can do some dives to work out the narcosis (sp?). I want to acclimatize myself to being narced so as not to be affected by it. What is the best thing to do, I don't want to be the laughing stock so I was told to get a lot of deep experience by ourselves then go out looking like the old guard? Also a night dive scares her and me frankly, where should we get some dives in that are easy for that? I thought about the pool at night, any thoughts? does it help?

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