I completely agree with you, but...

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Posted by msblucow on October 22, 2001 at 09:23:17:

In Reply to: Re: Question to all posted by randy54 on October 22, 2001 at 06:31:31:

I'd like to take a moment to dispell an urban myth. Randy54 wrote: "Spill coffee in my lap, must
be the resturants fault". I'm assumming you're referring to the McDonald's case where an elderly woman was rewarded 10s of millions of dollars for having hot coffee spilled in her lap. Well, just to clear things up, the coffee that spilled was so hot that the woman received 3d degree burns around her genatalia. She was hospitalized, required extensive skin grafts, and underwent a lengthy and painful rehab process. And in the end, after McDonald's appealed, the award was reduced to the point where the woman barely had enough left over after legal expenses to pay for medical care.

Sorry to be so nitpicking, but whenever that example of personal responsibility comes up (and Randy54, otherwise I agree with EVERYTHING you wrote), sometimes it bugs me enough to want to set the record straight.

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