"Most" who? Lift bags and spools cont.

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Posted by AADIVER on October 24, 2001 at 22:14:03:

In Reply to: Re: Lift bag and spool training?!! posted by MHK on October 23, 2001 at 16:08:40:

"Most deploy a bag during the 70' gas switch and if you can't hold your bouyancy and you are trying to optimize the 02 windows and use a 50% 02 mix and you can't hold the 70' stop while shooting the bag and find your self at 90' you could tox,"

I assume you mean most advanced tech divers who of course require special training given that mixed gas diving scenario. Surely you don't mean most routine recreational divers who shoot a lift bag or SMB from the bottom for "recovery" or to create a personal ascent line.
BTW, John Walker tells me that the Halcyon Supra CC bags are NOT intended for salvage lifting and recovery, but the Halcyon web site clearly describes the bags as lift bags and refers to their use in salvage and recovery. Please clarify. Thanks.

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