Re: Sounds like an excellent day of diving.

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by DougD on October 29, 2001 at 17:44:43:

In Reply to: Re: Sounds like an excellent day of diving. posted by BadFish on October 29, 2001 at 17:19:21:

Seahunt has excellent advice on preparing seafood dishes on his website.

I just steamed them this time, since I only had three.

It was a lot harder to get them off the rock than I was expecting. Some where impossible so I didn't mess with them too much. I was using a mini-nail puller and it didn't provide enought leverage. All the shells I got were about the size of the palm of my hand. Next time I'll look for some the size of a Shaq's palm instead.

Seahunt? What do you use to pry them off the rocks?

Once I got them home I got a fillet knife and inserted it in the shell, just as seahunt described, and cut the muscle in sweepeing motion (they pop right open), cleaned off the gook, und viola...fresh scallops. The biggest piece was about the diameter of a new gold dollar coin and just shy of an inch thick. The other two were about as big around as a quater.

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