Hijacked regs

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Posted by ptf on October 30, 2001 at 07:24:48:

In Reply to: Hijacked threads posted by Jason on October 30, 2001 at 00:09:17:

"(And I'm not going to say what sort of equipment cheats I took the last two weekends with my reg in the shop for


Two weeks and you still don't have your regs back? Find Yourself another shop to get your regs o-hauled!
The place i used to frequent would get them back to me in about 72 hours and this was their normal turn around.
Unfortunately those days are gone for me and now they make me o-haul my own regs - ah the joys of taking the
manufacturer's repair class - boy did I get suckered into that one. So Last Sat I dragged in my bag of yolk
regs, 2 sea4's, 2 micra/titans, 2 aquarius/conshelf, and somemthing that was probably a calypso aoh and a delta2.
I threw them up on the counter and asked the service rep if he could have them done by the evening cause me and
my friends were diving the next day. Ever get one of those one raised eyebrows??

Here is the short story to o-hauling the sea's and the micras - started at 10:00 am and was done by 6pm, with a
1 hour break for lunch. The others just needed bench testing since they have not been used in a year. O-Haul
means stripping down the 1st stage and removing all the guts, sonic cleaning, replacing the replacables and shoving
it all back together. I was told that if I was locked up and wasn't bothered and knew what I was doing I could have
been done a lot sooner. Did you know that if you put in the wrong o-ring that you can get a high pressure creep?
Kind of scary to see your lp hose creeping up and expanding as it gets up to 225psi. I was told that in the old days
some of the first stages did not have the HP port well marked and often a hose would burst (nice spincter test).

Two weeks seems a bit long - let me guess the shop you gave it to sent it to another shop for the actual repairs?


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