"...wetsuit will be only 62% as buoyant as on the surface..."

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Posted by Wayne on November 01, 2001 at 15:30:43:

In Reply to: Re: backplates shift center of gravity NOT reduce weighting posted by Karl S. on November 01, 2001 at 09:09:28:

While there are differences in the compression of wetsuits at depth, your claim that a wetsuit acts just like a bubble under Boyle's Law is wrong. Neoprene has gas bubbles in it but it also has all that rubbery stuff that is not as compressible as gas. Most folks I know believe that a wetsuit compresses about half as much as you would expect from Boyle's bubbles.

Next time you are at a SCUBA show, look at the comparison devices which subject various coupons of wetsuit material to pressure and notice the difference. I have always suspected that mine is the elcheapo materail because I am so dang cold at depth and am so warm in the shallows!


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