well you are definitely right that the insulation changes at depth

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Posted by Karl S. on November 01, 2001 at 16:18:24:

In Reply to: "...wetsuit will be only 62% as buoyant as on the surface..." posted by Wayne on November 01, 2001 at 15:30:43:

if you compress neoprene enough, it will sink. it wont float. the only thing that could be giving it positive buoyancy would be the micro-bubbles. and these would behave exactly according to Boyles Law, exactly.

neoprene when crushed by ambient pressure is no insulator at all. thats why we all get cold when we go deep in our wetsuits, as you know.

I havent noticed much of a difference between the expensive "titanium" lined neoprene and the el cheapo plain black version. its always cold when you go deeper than 99 fsw, or when you reach a thermocline at shallower depths, in a wetsuit.

wetsuits, in my opinion, are mostly good for freediving or for learning how to scuba dive for the first time. drysuits seem to work much better for scuba diving, after you have the basics of buoyancy down first. I never thought I would ever say that. drysuit diving is great and it spoils you.

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