Re: AAARRGGGHHH! I got bent! Or did I?

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Posted by Kendall Raine on November 06, 2001 at 16:12:22:

In Reply to: AAARRGGGHHH! I got bent! Or did I? posted by msblucow on November 06, 2001 at 14:59:58:

Thanks for writing this. It took guts to lay this out in front of all the "experts."

One question I was going to ask, until you answered it, was whether symptoms resolved at depth. The fact they didn't, in the context of your profile and symptoms suggests, to this amateur, at least, that you weren't bent. As you say: "Who knows?"

Another question: Did they Doppler you at any time during this process? I know they have a nice unit at the chamber and, given that you didn't resolve at depth, I'm surprised they didn't do that. Doppler testing is conclusive of nothing, but it would have been another data point.

Your experience with pulmonary toxicity is interesting. I've read that heavy hyperbaric 02 doses begin to impede the lungs' ability to filter bubbles so that deco efficiency starts to degrade despite having the oxygen window wide open. Air breaks help, as well as forestall CNS toxicity, but your lungs were obviously "fried" by the exposure. Table 6 was designed decades ago and I wonder how much attention has been paid to this lately. Maybe Karl Huggins will comment.

Thank you, again, Marta for your report. I hope you're feeling 100% and back in the water soon.

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