Yhea, right.

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by roakey on November 07, 2001 at 14:34:16:

In Reply to: My goal.................. posted by GLnSD on November 07, 2001 at 08:57:06:

She may have misadjusted a piece of equipment. That's it. Is Trident to blame if someone puts on their weight belt too tight? Surely you're not THAT stupid to blame such things on the manufacturer.

Wait. I take that last part back.

If you were truly trying to point out deficiencies in the DIR concept the sum total of your posts would not be along the lines of “Another Diving in Rubber sock puppet.” That contains NO information. It points out NO deficiencies. It, to use your claim of what you’re trying to do, “sheds no light.” Except for a typical vague bash of “…the whole DIR Gear config thing sounds like it contributed to your problem” you offered nothing. Until of course it was pointed out how disgusting it was to use someone else’s misfortune as a mere vehicle to vilify DIR. Then you offer a few weak points based on a flawed premise. Though I have to admit that it’s the first time I’ve ever seen an attempt at reasoning on your part.

Face it, you blew it and you were caught. And when caught you tried backpedaling. Try apologizing, it might help, but I offer no guarantees.

I stand by my statement. What you've done is the most reprehensible thing I’ve ever seen in over 20 years of being on network boards and discussion groups.


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