SLANG, I do appreciate your feedback and I mostly agree with you

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Posted by Karl S. on November 07, 2001 at 17:23:24:

In Reply to: Re: NitrOx dive computers with PO2 warning buzzers -- Please. . . posted by SLANG on November 07, 2001 at 16:43:10:

thanks for taking the trouble to put everything down into a logical, factual argument in your reply to me, SLANG.

if the deep stop on air had been done properly, and followed up with a longer offgassing at shallower depth, it may have been a benefit to MsBlucow. as it was actually done, that was not the case, and so more damage than good probably came of it.

in comparing NitrOx deep stops with Air deep stops, there is a big difference too.

if a deep stop on Air is not executed completely, then there are more problems than if a NitrOx deep stop had been attempted of the same approximate duration.

words dont always exactly convey meanings and intents. this is not a court of law, and these posts are not intended to be trial briefs.

thanks again.

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