Re: Questions about Nitrox diving in Southern California

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Chuck Tribolet on November 13, 2001 at 18:28:45:

In Reply to: Questions about Nitrox diving in Southern California posted by msblucow on November 13, 2001 at 16:52:04:

You don't need to wait till you are legal to get
wet to take the course. You can do the classroom
part now, and the dives (IF ANY) afterwards.

Air (from a clean compressor) is Nitrox 21. So
no problem filling a Nitrox tank from a clean
compressor -- it's Nitrox.

Fortunately, Nitrox is a good deal more available
up north. Three of the five Monterey dive shops
pump it. The only boat with a compressor (Cypress
Sea) pumps it. The second boat (Monterey Express)
will load Nitrox tanks for you by prior
arangement. The third boat (Beach Hopper II) is
BYOtank and is Nitrox friendly. The fourth boat
(Xandu) is tech diver oriented and BYO tank. The
fifth boat (Silver Prince) is out of the water (it
sank and is being repaired -- might be back in the
water now) and is BYO1tank, but you could bring
both I'm sure. I guess Silicon Valley is ahead of
Hollywood. ;-)

The only thing I don't dive Nitrox for is to
scrub my swimming pool.


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