Oh come on........

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Chrism on November 14, 2001 at 13:50:42:

In Reply to: Re: Just curious, why MHK and not GLnSD????? posted by seahunt on November 14, 2001 at 13:41:17:

Disclaimer - I am not a DIR diver, whatever the hell that means...... but

GLnSD doesn't engage in personal attacks? Even if I could wipe the Coke off my computer screen, I'm not even gonna bother with that one.

Listen, I know what side you fall on, and that's cool, but I've seen you and MHK actually agree on issues, and discuss other issues. You've called eachother names as well. So why aren't you banned?

Personalities and personal attacks? So what?? How old are we?? If GLnSD calls me a stroke, hell, it doesn't ruin my day, I could give a flying crap what he (or MHK, or GIIII, or anyone else) thinks of me. (And if GLnSD doesn't have the worst personality I've ever run across, then I'll eat my hat - the guy's an a-hole who personally attackes everyone who disagrees with him).

And yeah, like Chris has *never* personally attacked anyone. That's rich!

The point is the hypocritical and childish nature of the action. It's his board, he can allow anyone on he wants, but he sure as hell can't in good faith call it free and open if he bans anyone or bans the discussion - however vitriolic it might get - of a particular subjects.

Great men discuss ideas, small men discuss people

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