Certification Cards work if utilized properly ...

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Posted by Bill Johnson on November 19, 2001 at 11:41:04:

In Reply to: Cert. Cards posted by Captain Tim on November 19, 2001 at 09:56:50:


If you want to make assumptions about a diver's ability to dive based on his c-card, you need to understand what each c-card means. For instance, an Open Water Diver card generally means the diver is qualified to dive to 60' in open water during the day. A DM card, or even an instructor card, generally means the SAME thing, except that the diver is now generally qualified to lead other divers to 100' in open water during the day.

Since Farnsworth is deeper than 60', if you want to be better assured a diver is qualified to dive there, you need to be looking for cards that specifically address the correct depth and gas. Personally, I think Farnsworth requires Nitrox and at least AOW, if not a deep specialty and propper equipment to dive, but that is up to you.

Since different agencies sometimes use the same name for certifications that are actually different, you may want to create a chart for yourself that lists each agencie's certifications and their limits. I would be glad to help you with this if you like.

Thumbing through the yearly DAN reports on diving accidents and fatalities, I have noticed the following re-occuring theme: most accidents happened to divers who were diving beyond their certified level. To me, the solution and theory I have always followed is to dive within my limits and get the propper training if I want to extend them. That way I know I have reduced the risks to a minimum.

Hope this helps,


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