Re: Cert. Cards - I normally don't get into the frail, but

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Posted by finfan on November 20, 2001 at 11:38:41:

In Reply to: Re: Cert. Cards - I normally don't get into the frail, but posted by Bill Johnson on November 20, 2001 at 10:16:37:


You suggest that I am naive for thinking captains don't police diving. I would suggest you are the naive one believing that by putting a boat in shallow is policing diving. Very few places around our islands would restrict divers from finding deep water if they really wanted to.

I believe a captain has a responsibility to profile a days worth of diving so that a responsible diver doesn't need mixed gas, special equipment or an inquisition by captain or DM regarding their safety to make the dive safely.

I never said my open water certification qualified me to dive any depth. Where did you get that from? What it did do (at least when I took the class)was teach me -first what the limits of recreational diving are and second how to be responsible for diving within those limits (and that would include staying within the captains dive site profile).

If I read your post correctly, you have suggested that because someone has a card with a depth and gas on it that makes them qualified to dive at that depth. Are you honestly suggesting that because they dove that depth once, twice or three times under a class environment with an instructor next to them the whole time qualifies them for every situation at that depth. Talk about being naive! Do you know how many guys I have seen diving "mixed gas" that scare the hell out of me? It's about the same number of guys I've seen diving compressed air and that's scary.

Here's my point - It isn't about the captain being the dive police and it's not about the equipment someone has, nor is about the "gas" they are using. It isn't even about what level of training they have-open or advanced/specialty. It's about each person taking a personal responsibility for diving within their skillset and limits.

If it isn't, how can you explain the thousands of people, on hundreds of dive trips who have safety dove Farnsworth, Tanner, Cortes or any of the other advanced dive sites? Most of which dove before Nitrox and computers even came onto the dive scene.

What benefit does mixed gas offer someone like me, who dives his limit, isn't interested in extending bottom time, follows a dive captains dive profile and still ends up usually with his fair share of the game or great pictures? Please don't tell me added safety. Next you will be suggesting I wear two life preservers (just because it will add to my safety).

Regards and good diving to you!


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