good field notes MadD!, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Karl S. on November 20, 2001 at 13:56:43:

In Reply to: Re: MadD, so the "Im tired" feeling is subclinical DCS ? posted by Maddiver on November 20, 2001 at 11:58:58:

thanks for the feedback.

that almost counts as a full field testing of O2 theory, both the O2 hits at the dorms, and the drift diving observations.

I think I will print it and put it into my tech scuba file.

on the separate subject of sharing your oxygen, is my understanding correct? that the Advanced Nitrox card is a permit to administer O2 to yourself as a decompression procedure, and the DAN O2 provider card only allows you to share O2 with someone in the interval of a suspected DCS hit AFTER you call 911 and BEFORE the EMS team arrives?

that is what I was told by my DAN O2 instructor, and Im just trying to verify it.

thanks MadD!

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