Why use tables. You can't get bent on a single 72...Can you?

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Posted by Wayne on November 21, 2001 at 19:40:58:

In Reply to: Re: Which tables are the "best" for Air and Nitrox? posted by Chuck Tribolet on November 21, 2001 at 18:12:02:

Call me a woosie, but I like the PADI RDP and WHEEL. For my diving, they work fine. The wheel is best once you get used to it. I use them as backup tothe computer, but because of the "rules" of tables, you either will violate them or do some kind of averaging to outsmart them.

The exceptions being dives like the Yukon where you know the depth going in and can work out the time and air availability issues. My dives are usually different. Like the other night we anchored in 35 and most of the dive was around 50. I did not know which way I was going to swim until I got to the bottom so planning was out the window. The good news is that dives like that -- shallow for an hour -- do not bend us. Another thing I like about local diving. It is shallow, easy to get to, tons of life, and swimming around with the light off is a light show!


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