Finfan- ever heard of 'Bone Necrosis'?

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Maddiver on November 26, 2001 at 12:03:41:

In Reply to: Re: Nitrox should be part of OW posted by finfan on November 22, 2001 at 17:52:19:

YOu wrote:
I have been diving air since 1971 (30 years). I dive my limits, stay within the dive profile set by the boat captains, watch the tables, do my safety stops when diving deep and have never been in any type of diving accident. PS I don't use a computer just depth and bottom timer.

The first line and the fact that deep dives are done on air should be cause for concern. Talk to the commercial divers about air and see why all of look 'old' before their time and have serious bone issues especially in the hips and vertibral column.

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