Re: I think you need to search the archives a bit more

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Posted by David on November 29, 2001 at 22:21:13:

In Reply to: I think you need to search the archives a bit more posted by Wayne on November 28, 2001 at 23:43:59:

I think you have condensed this flame war down to the key issues. This BBS would benefit if the principals of this flame war would sincerely reflect on their contributions to the flame war and change their behavior.

Finger Pointing has no role in the solution to this problem, it only aggravates old wounds. I have read many apologies from people regretting their past actions, its time to accept those apologies, learn from our mistakes and move on.

We all deal with communication issues on a daily basis and know how to solve this problem. At the risk of being redundant I suggest the following (in no particular order):

Your message would be more clearly heard if you modify your communication style, you can judge the effectiveness of your communication style by the responses you receive.

The health of this BBS depends on you being an impartial moderator, taking sides only fuels the Flame Throwers.

Flame Throwers:
MHK has much valuable information and experience to share, don’t let his on line communication style get in the way of your education. Never forget that he is your friend & genuinely cares about your safety as a diver.

BBS Members in General:
Policing this BBS can't be fun for Chris, he needs everyone’s support to keep it civil and fun!


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