Re: backpack diving and solo diving

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by MHK on December 03, 2001 at 16:24:05:

In Reply to: Re: backpack diving and solo diving posted by Chris on December 03, 2001 at 15:01:14:

It's funny Chris that this guy disagrees with you and you attack him and ask that the Gustapo police the matter and that isn't a * personal attack with someone who disagrees with you*, but when I have the same exchange I'm villanized..

The only thing you are consistent about is your inconsistency...

BTW, all my efforts with respect to DIR speak to a SAFER and more EFFICIENT way to dive.. By your own admission your advocation is a diving style that acknowledges and accepts added risks, so in that notion why can't you understand that you attempts at censorship are met with such great resistence??? You advocate a style of diving that by your own admission increases the risk factor and you wonder why we don't see eye to eye.. I advance a system of diving that reduces the risk level, but you simply attempt to cast that as some type of marketing scheme for a company that offers very little in the way of gear associated with such a style of diving, and to the extent that they do offer any gear, it can very easily be purchased from a different company.. None of us out here that advocate such a style of diving make one penny from our efforts, and in reality it has cost me thousands of dollars out of my pocket, but you choose to cast a the glass is half full version of reality, whne the facts are that your way of diving is more risky, more dangerous, and more irresponsible, but yet as the webmaster your chosen tactic is to silence those that would advance a safer agenda because it conflicts with your idealogy..

That single fact is sad, yet telling...


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