Re: backpack diving and solo diving

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Posted by MHK on December 03, 2001 at 17:28:38:

In Reply to: Re: backpack diving and solo diving posted by Max Bottomtime on December 03, 2001 at 17:04:32:


This may come as a very huge surprise to you, but I agree with everything that you said... Some have tried to distort what I try to present and then it usually denigrates into a flame war and the underlying message gets lost.. But the fact of the matter is that I agree that it is everyone's unilatteral right to dive as they see fit, it is their unilaterral right to post as they see fit, but I also believe very firmly that it is the unilateraal right for those with opposing viewpoints to post oppooition.. Believe it or not I love it when Chris, Seahunt, Ken et. al posts opposing points of view. I love it for a variety of reasons, most of which involves me posting back up and support for my positions and them inventing theories for their positions.. I firmly and 100% trust the readers of this BBS to decipher for themselves who is posting safer and more efficient ways to dive, and who is posting BS..

The only thing that I would divorce myself from with respect to your comments is that without risk we wouldn't have done so and so.. And on the surface that premise has merit, but I would add that there are ways to do the same exact things without incurring unecessary and added risks.. For example, if I were to do a dive to 330', I would use trimix.. While for certain some would and have done it on air, the facts of the matter to me is that it constitutes an annuecessary and unacceptable risk, but that doesn't mean we can't accomplish the same objective, but just do so in a safer and more efficent manner..


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