Aquarius, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by seahunt on December 04, 2001 at 13:00:53:

In Reply to: I remember them all, do you? posted by SeaSerpent on December 04, 2001 at 10:32:04:

Wow! The Aquarius Boats. What a blast from the past. Wasn't it the
Aquarius 3 that was the big racing dive boat with the Airplane style
seats? Don't doubt, I was on the Scuba Queen and Wild Wave, but I
don't think I ever made a trip on that skinny WW without getting
sick. I also spent a lot of years diving the rest of CA where dive
boats are rare.
Look, we've been through near a year and a half listening to
your arguements coming from Michael Kane. You love to say macho
and ignorant. He likes to say stupid and ... well, all kinds of
things. This arguement has gotten so bad, it has led to another
California BBS being started.
Your arguements are not new and since they are delivered with the
same insulting packaging, they will be recieved the same way. At
least, as Michael is fond of pointing out, he has posted a lot of
very good information. You on the other hand, while not so rabid as
we have seen on this board, offer nothing but insults to people
who are good divers. Well, you haven't been in my fins.
Please understand if we don't care what opinions or insults you
have to offer. We've seen them all before and they were presented
I'm sure you will be glad to know that there is a board just for you
at where you can go and get
a sympathetic hearing for all your complaints. Why don't you just go
As for your opinions and insults, stuff it. Are you willing to call
me ignorant if you meet me on a dive boat? I don't think you're going
Enjoy the diving, seahunt

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