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Posted by SeaSerpent on December 04, 2001 at 10:32:04:

In Reply to: Re: One sockpuppet to another posted by seahunt on December 03, 2001 at 21:42:49:

Seahunt..Lets not forget the Californian, the first Truth, the Forerunner, the Torando, the Aquarius 1 and Aquarius 2, how about the Scuba Queen, and the Wild Wave, I dove them all (how about you). I still dive almost every weekend (mostly beach dives) and I have been doing it for about 33 years. I have near been impressed with your Macho hunters, they are rapier and pillagers and are one of the reasons that there is almost no marine life left. You say that these experienced divers are completely devoted to the sport. I say they are completely devoted to killing our marine life. To me the person who takes the takes the most bugs is not a Hero, they are a destroyer.
When you dive Solo or when use only a backpack you take away one of your redundant systems which could save your life (it’s a stupid and irresponsible way to diving).


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