Re: One sockpuppet to another

Great Dive Trips at Bargain Prices with the Sea Divers

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Posted by seahunt on December 03, 2001 at 21:42:49:

In Reply to: Re: One sockpuppet to another posted by SeaSerpent on December 03, 2001 at 20:05:14:

>I use to see them all the time on the Truth boat
>in the late 70's and early 80's (that's where it
>all started).
Huh? backplate diving started long before then. It sounds like those are just the boats you were on. How about the Sea Packer, Sea Bee, Rio Rita, Golden Dabloon,.... etc.?
Look, you're an anonamous unknown. Everyone knows who I am and where I'm coming from. You drop in on this board talking big and critiquing experienced divers who are completely devoted to the sport. Well who the heck are you? We have already heard enough of this drivel from real divers. We aren't impressed by some mouthy walk on with no legs.
Why don't you get together with some of the fanatic DIR folks and debate the fine points of strap placement. They are concerned about that. Most people could care less.
I hate to tell you, but almost all of the good hunters go solo. By the way, I've never seen anyone promote solo diving. Many people solo dive (cuz it's a great way to dive), but all agree it is a decision that each diver must come to themselves. No one promotes it, but it is such a much better way to dive a lot of the time, that amazingly, people that aren't afraid of the ocean tend to discover it all by themselves.
You sure do seem obcessed with hazards.
Enjoy, seahunt

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