Re: Reality Check, Check-Check, Check Check, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Jerry on December 15, 2001 at 16:59:02:

In Reply to: Reality Check, Check-Check, Check Check posted by Kevin on December 14, 2001 at 08:40:13:

It seems to me that substandard instruction comes from four sources: 1. inadequate curriculum, 2. instructors who have not kept up and want to teach "old corps" diving (e.g. anti nitrox), 3. instructors who have a bad attitude or other agenda, and 4. instructors who are not well trained.

I doubt that the poor instruction we are seeing is coming from No. 1. If instructors were diligently teaching safety and diving skills in the PADI/NAUI/SSI curricula you wouldn't see these incredible events at Casino Point or on dive boats.

As for the other three, this is a case of quality control. All of the agencies have lost control of the quality of instruction being done under their banner. None of the agencies seem to have the guts to send inspectors to the Casino Points, Veterans Parks, and quarries etc. to observe what is being done nor to observe classroom work and to DECERTIFY those instructors who are not teaching the materials to standards. Nor do they have sufficient re-certification and continuing education requirements that would allow them to get a handle on this.

A major improvement in dive safety could be achieved by impressing this on the certification agencies.


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