Re: bleeding bonito

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Posted by tommy7 on December 17, 2001 at 11:59:11:

In Reply to: i've seen bonito and mackerel carcasses in some traps. posted by mike on December 17, 2001 at 11:51:06:

We used to catch bonito on the Seal Beach jetti using a water filled bobber and a fethered trebble hook on a 36inch leader. WOW you talk about fun.... the bonito would submarine just behind the feather and it didn't matter how fast you wound the line in you could not keep it away from those fast moving fish!!
Thats where I learned about cutting the tails and standing them on end to allow the blood to drain.
On top of that if you cut em open and salt em down for a day and then deep fry them, mmmmmmmmm
so good!!

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