Re: postscript

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by Steve on December 19, 2001 at 07:40:34:

In Reply to: Re: postscript posted by Maddiver on December 18, 2001 at 23:14:13:

"I addressed the issue with knowing where your air consumption and gas supply stood at any point in the dive and also pointed out that a gue advanced cert like cave3or tech3 and even the earlier classes force divers to have an accurate understanding of where they are on gas managemnt at any point during the dive without first looking at their gauge....this is a testing point. Maybe we are talking two different types of diving"

Yes, then we do argee after all. We are talking about two different types of divings. Different diving and mindset, attitude, gear and plan. I saw your demo video of Yucatan, awesome. Happy caving dude.


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