Re: postscript, the first place to look for a dive instructor

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Posted by Maddiver on December 18, 2001 at 23:14:13:

In Reply to: Re: postscript posted by steve on December 18, 2001 at 20:26:55:


I addressed the issue with knowing where your air consumption and gas supply stood at any point in the dive and also pointed out that a gue advanced cert like cave3or tech3 and even the earlier classes force divers to have an accurate understanding of where they are on gas managemnt at any point during the dive without first looking at their gauge....this is a testing point. Maybe we are talking two different types of diving as even if I grossly mismanaged my air with three stages, surely one of the three 'other bottles' would have something to breath off of. Secondly the streamlining issue...I have a small pressure gauge attached to the correct length hose that does not sick out from my profile (run parallel with my profile) why are navy destroyers long and skinny........could the hydrodynamics of the longitudinal position of my hose actually be less resistant that to the vorticies produced by forward momentum through a liquid? It also is not impossible to check any air supply even with three bottles on as there are four clips on the large left dring with the base clip always being my back gas pressure gauge. The bottles and even the clips are designed to be cut away or break away with no metal to metal connections anywhere. Also it is my firm belief that wearing a wrist mounted unit for depth considerations (yes computers are acceptable)is a more efficient deployment of timing and depth which even with experience will be the most monitored gauge and therefore should be placed on the wrist eliminating wasted motion and inefficiency

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