of UASC and things

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Posted by JRM on January 11, 2002 at 10:08:17:

In Reply to: jrm, let it animate you... posted by Brad on January 10, 2002 at 19:16:47:

Well Brad, I have to concede the UASC points. It *really* chaffed my hide when they decided to fight the reserves (but from their point of view, they have a non-consumptive use. after all, you really can't see that much from a party-boat). For the record, I do support the idea of reserves.

But let's be realistic here, the concept is far from the implementation. Like all things governmental, they have a good idea, but then totally screw it up when they try to make it a reality. The MPA reserve process has been turned into such a joke that I can't believe anyone attributes it any credibility anymore. You need to be able to separate your want of reserves from your want of this implementation of reserves. I mean, really, the Channel Islands reserve selection process has been a joke. They start with a number, say 35% of area, and then start moving the lines. The commercial fishing guys go to the meeting and make sure that none of the productive grounds are within the boundry. The sportfishing guys, and the spearos, have done the same. The knee-jerk UCSB student activist morons have only enough brain power to grasp the "We want 35% minimum area reserved" concept, and haven't figured out that they current plan reserves the barrenest 35%. Unfortunately, like everything the government sticks their hand in, common sense isn't.

And don't tell me that the environmental lobby, primarily the Sierra Club, are in this fight to preserve the environment. That's a load of crap. Just look at what they did on the "Rigs to Reefs" bill. Sorry, but that stance of theirs was more about punishing the oil industry than preserving ecosystem. And I won't even get into my own run-in with a group of Sierra club nazis while I was climbing up in the Sierran high country. If you're really insterested I'll post that separate. Needless to say, hypocricy runs deep in the environmental lobby.

I'm all for reserves. And, if it weren't DFAG running the show, I could even stand to have some completely closed areas. But that's a ***really* slippery slope. And I don't trust DFAG or any other governmental agency enough to give them that precedent. I've seen what DFAG does with the power they have.

Assuming that the reserves are implemented (and unless the legislature suddenly takes a revote, they will be), what's the enforcement going to be? The commercial sector has already exhibited their disdain for the ecosystem, what makes you think they're not going to cheat the lines? There's a reason why many companies happily pay off the EPA fines each year. Because the cost of the fine is insignificant compared to the cost, or loss of profit, to be in compliance. Like the saying goes, "If you like government housing, you'll love government health care!"

Real life gets complicated fast. I'm glad that you've managed to simplify everything into black and white so easily. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say you have a background in education, probably administration, or perhaps a nice government desk job. Like Chris Carter says, "Trust No-one."


-- Guess I'll have to postpone this further and go kill some stuff for dinner tomorrow!

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