Re: Quiz time

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Posted by randy54 on February 08, 2002 at 07:13:29:

In Reply to: Quiz time posted by Chris K on February 07, 2002 at 23:08:18:

Reminds me of when I retook the openwater course after a 20+ year lay off. One of the students, a male mid 50's, had had quadruple by pass surgery 18 months earlier. His GP doctor signed off his medical clearance. While suiting up for the 4th pool sesson, he quit because he was having problems breathing. When the instructor questioned him, he said that his heart doctor had told him to avoid strenious excresise. Some people just insist on pushing the stupid factor as far as it will go. I cann't amagin what this guy could have told his GP to get him to sign the medical waiver. Maybe it's this mortality thing. The old "since I dam near died, I'd better go do everything I ever wanted to do, before I do go." You can try and blame the insturctor, and this Joe Jackson, having a long history with the deceased should have known better, but most dive instructors are not doctors or qualified to tell what a persons physical condition really is. Which is why all the paper work is required. You can pass all the laws you want, you cann't stop people who want to lie and do stupid things, for lying and doing stupid things. The law that needs to be passed and enforced is the one that says if you get injuried or die, and how you ended up that way was even partly because you lied about your qualifications, you and only you are responsible.

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