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Posted by Chris K on February 07, 2002 at 23:08:18:

Hello BBS.

This incident has come up as a subject that all diver should be concerned with. I recommend that everybody read it:


I think if you read the final two pages of this report, you start to see a scathing indictment of the dive industry start to develop and the styling of language that will some day come back to haunt all divers. First they recommend that they close the Doria and then they start contacting all the agencies, questioning standards.
the questions are obvious here:

Do we want to have government intervention with someone, say NOAA, telling us how to dive? or

Do we figure out some real solutions? I don't mean PADI blame bullshit only. This is a shot at the tech community with serious political ramifications. They'll take it in the shorts first. No question that mixing gas is a chink in the armor that can be exploited, even though it is the only way to make deep dives. It's an obvious target.

Recertification is a pretty dirty word across the board. And I mean both diver and instructor. It doesn't really apply in this situation but is it a place to start?

Give some real answers here. Prove you're wise men rather than wise guys. I think you're up to it. And let's here from everybody. I promise your answers will be heard

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