Flying Dutchman

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by seahunt on April 17, 2002 at 15:33:33:

So where is the Flying Dutchman boat gonna be dropping divers?
Some place a bit exotic I hope.
I always like to check out new boats, so I figure I'll try that one this trip.
How different can it be from the rest of the dive boats?
I also like new boats, before they wear from time and weather.
I hope it's a high tech compressor. Do they fill NITROX?
Then again, I just hope it's not gonna be too crowded. I can only think of a
few things other than that that would make a boat trip unpleasant.
Does it have a good sundeck? Just curious since it doesn't really matter.
I can't much go in the sun these days with the ghost of a complexion I
What's the step off like? Boats seem to get higher and higher from the water
these days.
Does it ride well or is it one of those boats that always seems to be in
a storm?
Is the crew helpful or do they just seem to appear occasionally and then
vanish when you want them?
Is the Captain easy going?
How'z the food? Not too exotic I hope. I like my food earthly.
Does it have good bunks or is this one of those boats where you just get no
I sure hope it's not a boat that gets blown away while y'er diving.
Ya know how it is. Some boats just seem like happy places and some are
just dismal.
... Hey, maybe I'll even see Freddy or Eric.
Enjoy the diving, sehaunt

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