Posted by Captain Van der Decken on April 18, 2002 at 12:46:57:
In Reply to: Flying Dutchman posted by seahunt on April 17, 2002 at 15:33:33:
Yeh, me boat's a plenty new. Been sailin the stormy seas since 1729 I have. She holds up well, tho a bolt o' lightnin cleaved 'er main tegallent n' nearly granted me my wish but tha davil stepped in and held me t'my curse tha ol' rascal!
So ya want t'go someplace exotic eh? Well i's been a sailin da seven seas fer seven times seventy years an' i kin take yers anywheres ya'd really rather not go ya lubber! Da Cape o' Good Hope's one 'o me favorites! Hell, I take ya roun' da world lookin' fer me girlfriend ya darn fool! The one who's s'posed to redeem me soul an' make me mortal again! Yea, mebbe dat ol' davil'l swap me curse fer yer mortality! Ayy that'd be a nice trade, one i'da welcomed three centuries ago n' one i'll welcome three centuries hence!
Da ol' boat won't be crowded. No one stays on 'er fer long. If'n yer too pale fer da low latitudes, well find ya a nice dive spot where da ice heaves 'n grumbles 'n grinds t' itself away! Ay, after a few days divin' wit da Dutchman der will be more ghostly about ya den yer complexion ya lubber! We'll see t'that!
Ya says ya wants a friendly crew do ya? Da crew ain't been seen since 1729 when God in his mercy granted 'em what i been seekin' fer t'ree hunnerd years! Me, well, I'm an easygoin' fellow. I jes sail da storm-tossed seas lookin' fer a girlfriend to redeem me soul!
Me swimstep is nice'n low too! But den again, on da Flyin' Dutchman, it ain't da step INTO da water dat ya gotta worry about, heh heh!
Da food 'n bunks ain't so homey tho, but heck ya darn lubber, ya don't need no sleep or food where yer goin! Der's nutin earthly about 'da Dutchman let alone da grub nohows noways nowheres! If'n yer plannin' on gettin' out o'da water when yer tank's empty, well, i be blown halfway 'round the world by 'den but ya can consider yerself da lucky one! At least ya can git off da durn ship and go t'ya maker! Me, i'd gladly trade ya places if'n i could, ya durn scalawag!
As fer all ya other durn scurvy scalawags out der, ya better keep dem horseshoes hangin on yer bow if'n ya don't want ta join me mates any sooner'n ya haf'ta!