Re: love them no matter what?

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Chris on April 19, 2002 at 10:53:58:

In Reply to: love them no matter what? posted by Brad on April 19, 2002 at 07:32:20:

I agree.
For the most part they are playful and curious.
I have often had them bite my fins and pull on them.
Is that curiosity? I seems playful most times, not aggressive.
I have also had them pick up small rocks and drop them on me.
I believe this is just play.
About ten years ago at Nick I was doing a safety stop with my arm wrapped in the kelp when thousands started swimming by.
One decided to stop and mimic me by wrapping its fin in the kelp stalk next to me.
I have also had one become aggressive with me.
For exercise I often do ocean swims here in Manhattan Beach.
A few years ago I had a young sea lion that decided he did not want me in his ocean.
He kept swimming up to my face and barking at me.
The first few times it startled me.
Then when he came again I raised my arms, splashed the water, and screamed back at him, and swam at him.
After the second time I did this he took off.

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