Re: I'll bring you to 16K for a price.

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Posted by Ken Kurtis on April 26, 2002 at 14:05:05:

In Reply to: I'll bring you to 16K for a price. posted by mike on April 26, 2002 at 13:45:35:

Since you addressed this to me as co-owner of Reef Seekers, and not as Chairman of Chamber Day/Eve, I'll answer in my Reef Seekers co-owner personna. (I hope you realize that Chamber Day/Eve is a community event, not a Reef Seekers event. We just happen to be the central co-ordinators.)

Mike, I'm really sorry to see you seem to think it's a good idea to hold your generous donation to the Chamber hostage or that you need some form of "payback" rather than just giving out of the goodness of your heart.

I'm also sorry to see that you seem to think that our concerns and policies about nitrox are so frivilous and without merit as to be beyond serious concern. (And I have no intention of getting into that discussion again.)

And I'm sorry to see that you think our convictions and principles can be bought or changed for $640.

If you want to punish the Chamber for what I personally beieve or for any of the policies or business decisions that my partner and I implemnt for Reef Seekers, that's certainly your business. Just doesn't seem to make sense to me.

As far as Reef Seekers goes, our no-nitrox policy has nothing to do with Chamber Day. In fact, if you want to dive nitrox on Chmaber Day, you go right ahead - as some people will - because this ISN'T a Reef Seekers event so the prohibition doesn't apply.

As far as the Chamber goes, they can still use your $640. And I would hope you can step back from all the nitrox/no-nitrox BS, and see clear to make your donation.

Ken Kurtis
NAUI Instr. #5936
Co-owner, Reef Seekers Dive Co.
Beverly Hills, CA

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