"genteel SoCal divers". Gimme a break!

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Posted by seahunt on May 02, 2002 at 21:33:35:

In Reply to: It's always nasty up here!!! posted by brianc on May 02, 2002 at 10:24:00:

Yah, it's the corner of the Red Triangle! The sharp corner.
By the way, the otters are not rabid, they are vampire. That's why they only come out at night.
Do you know, the poison oak on Bodega Head is well studied? It does not look like normal poak and it is far more toxic than most. I was told all about it due to the experiences of a buddy of mine who was inspired to a midnight stroll.
Just a thought for you of the cold water. I dunna wear booties and I dunna dive Monterey. I was a diver on the north side of the Bay and there ain't no place like it.
Enjoy the diving, seahunt

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