Double Damn, Dang Dude...

AquaFlite Custom Wetsuits, Dive Skins, and Dive Parkas

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Posted by DougD on May 17, 2002 at 00:01:43:

In Reply to: Dang Dude... posted by seahunt on May 16, 2002 at 21:51:22:

Why'd you haf' to bring up death for?

Personally, I'd like to go doing something I love wife! Hee, hee, I crack me up.

Ya' know, I was on a boat a few weeks ago and this guy goes and drown's, albeit purely out of stupidity and no real desire to kill himself.

Yeah, I'm hangin' at the back of the boat when this guys comes swimming up dragging his buddy. Next thing I know I'm looking directly into the ashen face, vacant eyes, and water-filled mouth of a D-E-A-D, DEAD SCUBA diver!

As luck would have it, there was a high degree of medical training amoung the crew and other divers and the dead guys was quickly, and miraculously brought back from a close encounter with the other side.

Once the victim was conscious I heard him say, "I saw the HOLE in the bottom of the ocean!" Wow, is that profound, or what? I'm still thinking on it, but he also mentioned more than once that he had "seen the gates!", although he didn't say which ones, and frankly, I was a little too creeped out to ask him.

Anyway, the guy was fully recovered by the next day and I hear he plans to dive again.

BY THE WAY, Tribes, when you do decide to take that final dive...let somebody in on the game, because I got to tell you it's pretty upsetting to see a drowned person dragged out of the water...all grey, and purple, limp as a rag...and when you give CPR, they really do vomit in your mouth.

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